En Artesolar diseñamos, fabricamos, comercializamos y distribuimos soluciones de iluminación. El departamento de Ingeniería y Soporte elabora estudios de eficiencia lumínica para nuestros clientes, asesorando y ofreciendo la alternativa más eficiente en el equilibrio coste-consumo-iluminación.
Sunoptics provides dynamic spectrum light to indoor spaces, reinforcing the circadian rhythms of the people
Improves LEED, DGNB, BREEAM and WELL certifications.
Range of sizes to adapt to the building.
1200J test approved.
FM Approval #4431.
Colour Render Index 100, reaching a perfect colour reproduction.
100% UV filter, to protect indoor areas and people.
Hotspot effect: glares and loud contrasts
This light gets lost in space, not focused towards working areas.
Daylight on the working areas.
The double prismatic optics produces diffuse and uniform light focused towards the working area, avoiding the hotspots.
The dome shape provides light during the early and late hours of the day, also increasing its mechanical resistance and durability.
The low use of roof required makes possible to maximize the power installed.
The shape and mechanical resistance of Sunoptics improves the safety of workers during the installation and maintenance.
Sport halls
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